Monday, 12 August 2013


There are varying definitions of Compromise. However for the purpose of this write up we are going to take on one – which defines Compromise as making someone or something open or expose to dishonor, ridicule, shame and or danger. In other words, there are acts or actions that can bring one to dishonor, ridicule, shame and danger of hell fire.

There is what I call the “double digits” of Compromise. The first one is that an individual can personally compromise him or herself. That is to say, with your own hands or by yourself, you indulge in acts which exposes you to dishonor and shame. Not necessarily before men but before God. I say so because most act of compromise men or Christians indulge in are acceptable to men. Immorality, cheating, corruption, pride, etc. For instance, a marriage between a man and his fellow man is accepted in society today in the name of respect for right. Making money by dubious and or diabolic means is heralded by men and those involve in such act tagged as successful men; and possibly given tittles. These actions no matter how they are praised by men are despised by God.

In Genesis chapter 39 verses 7 – 9, before men, it couldn’t have mattered much if a Youngman like Joseph slept with his master’s wife. Afterall, it was the woman who came calling. Today it is an acceptable lifestyle amongst youths who indulge in such act as a means to an end. Society applauds it but before God it is not allowed. In Daniel chapter 1 verse 3-8, before men it is acceptable for Daniel to eat of the King’s food. There is nothing wrong with that, the King willfully provided it. Is it wrong to eat nice food provided by the King? But before God, it is not acceptable because Daniel by so doing could have compromised his status and be distracted.

The second or other digit of Compromise is that an individual can also allow him or herself to be compromised. May be by someone, friends, family, circumstances and or situations. This happens when you follow multitude, popular opinion or societal trend, just for the gains and at the end you displease God. In Genesis 39 : 10-13, Joseph refused to allow his Master’s wife to cause him to compromise. He chose to please God. Same Genesis 37:2, Joseph refused to be compromised by his brother’s evil actions. He always reported them to their father. In Daniel 3:14-19, the three Hebrew boys refused to allow the threat of being thrown into the furnace of fire to cause them to compromise. They chose to disobey the King and please God.

As humans, we all move to places to attain our dreams, aspirations and life goals. In the course of this, God allows us to dwell among different people and in different locations. It might be school, workplace, neighbourhood, business places, etc. The issue here is not where you find yourself or where you are, but you being able to maintain your identity as a Christian and refuse to compromise or be compromised.

There some reasons why as a Christian or child of God, you must not allow compromise. First, for the fear of God. You don’t own yourself; you are accountable to someone somewhere, and who demands your reverence, love and accountability. In all this, if you are found wanting, he will definitely bring you into judgment. Read Eccl. 11:9-12. Second, the thing that lures you to compromise has one target – your soul. Your sudden destruction and eternal damnation. Read 1 Peter2:11. Third, for the sake of your dreams and or aspirations in life.  If you have plans and a strong desire of what you want to be, where you want to be – as having a big picture of the future. For this you must be focused and discipline yourself against the enticements of compromise. Joseph did it, you can do it.

There is also what I can the cost of compromise. This is the price or consequences of compromise or of being compromised. Compromise is a dream killer. By it you can truncate your destiny and frustrate God’s plan for your life. The life (birth) and end of Samson speaks volume here. Samson had a peculiar birth – with great and glorious destiny from God. But a life of compromise made him to die a blind and desperate and frustrated man. Read the book of Judges 13:3-5, and chapter 16. Also read Jeremiah 18:9-10.



                      BY:    Godwin Luba

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